Automated Ticket Classification for Zendesk

Easily classify, tag, and assign customer inquiries in Zendesk. Maximize efficiency and route tickets automatically.
auto-classify zendesk tickets

Reduce response time, improve accuracy, and customer satisfaction!

When Zendesk ticket classification is automated, benefits can be experienced across the board, pleasing both customers and agents.

Our Zendesk classification tool harnesses the power of machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to automatically recognize and categorize customer support tickets, even before they are opened, saving hours of work and preventing errors.

The AI models are trained using your existing ticket data within Zendesk. This allows us to tailor the tool to your specific requirements and deliver the best outcomes for your business.

Automated ticket classification will allow you to...

zendesk ticket classification benefits automatic routing

Instant Routing

Tags and labels are automatically routed to the correct queue based on ticket content.

zendesk ticket classification benefits automatic prioritization

Automatic Prioritization

Tags are prioritized based on urgency, product, or other criteria using ML & NLP.

zendesk ticket classification benefits faster response times

Faster Response Times

Tickets that are instantly routed to relevant queues results in relevant and timely support.

zendesk ticket classification benefits minimize waste

Minimize Waste

Free up agents to spend time on value-adding tasks like personalized customer engagement.

zendesk ticket classification benefits better reporting

Gain Insights

Automated tagging helps generate useful insights for continuous improvement.

How do I get started with the automated ticket classification?

  1. Specify Tags
    We define tags for the classifiers with your help. This will allow us to adjust the model to meet your specific demands by applying your criteria.
  2. Train and test your model
    We train the AI model using the information you have provided. Then you can give it a try.
  3. Go Live!
    After the model is trained and tested, we incorporate it via Zendesk triggers into your work flow. That’s it!

Are you tired of manually tagging the tickets in Zendesk?

Implement a seamless Zendesk solution that will free up your resources and take your customer care to the next level.